Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wrapping up

So my time here at VSC is just about over.

It's been really great.

I mean, what could be better?

So, let me show you some drawings

                        L'Orgine du Monde


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Emerson Finishes things

Hey friends,

So, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen, but I finished a painting. It's tentatively titled, "Wait." 

The texture here is achieved with several layers of oil paint, which after dry, I rub over with charcoal, and then push around with mineral spirits. While that's still kind of wet I put a dry wax medium over it with a palette knife. It makes this really beautiful transparency, and you can sort of control how translucent you want it to be. Then I flicked a little bit of white paint on top of that, and that's pretty much it. Is this sort of thing interesting? I am really tired.

Okay, so actually I had finished another painting before that one, but I only kind of count it since it's quite small (around 16"x20"). This one is titled, "Meditation at the End of the World."

I have one more day to paint in oil and then I need to start letting things dry if I'm going to be able to ship them before I leave here. I'm reaaally hoping to finish this other painting, but we'll see.

until next time


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sleepy eyes and subzero temperatures

Hey friends,

Here are a couple more things I've been working on. They are details of paintings that are roughly 3'x5'.

Sometimes when I paint, Mother Earth is like,"yo, wtf."

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hey yall, I'm making art again so I'm going to start blogging again.

I'm in a beautiful place called the Vermont Studio Center.

Here's something I've been working on: