Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some Redness

To keep things consistent, I'm going to make the claim that from now on I will update my blog every Thursday. Or at least by before-you-wake-up on Friday. We'll see how that goes. Also though, I might update in the middle of the week for some randomness.

This week I continued drawing/ painting on paper. I've been trying to get more invested in the individual drawings, so they're less like imprints. Here are two of my favorites from this week. The second one is closer to where I want to go with these.

I really, really like hands.

I also started painting.


Here's what I did.

The struggle is to keep the looseness while making the forms convincing. This is the sort of thing that Jenny Saville (whom I brought up last week) is so good at. These are both in the very early stages.

Also, early on in the week, Lily and I painted portraits of each other. It was super fun, but I'm not so happy with how it turned out, so I'm not posting a picture of it. Hopefully she's not bored of my face yet and we can get another round in.

I'm starting to reconsider the role drawing will play in the project . . . Mostly because it's just easier to do given the studio circumstances. The scale is more convenient, the materials are less toxic. Plus, hey, I love drawing. I actually tend to find it way less stressful than painting. So maybe I can continue doing both in somewhat equal measure. I think I'm going to start drawing lots of hands.

We met in small groups the other day and had a really good talk about where our projects were heading. Here are some bullet points on what came up during mine, and things that I will be expanding on later.


If you ask me how these things are expressed through my art though, I will most likely curl up into a ball and cry until you leave me alone. So, I'll be working on that. . . Also, I'm very bored with the word "Spirituality" and the phrase "The human condition." You hear them so much that they almost don't mean anything anymore. They almost hurt to hear, so maybe I'll make up new words for them. More on that later.

I hope this is interesting to read. I'm kind of still figuring out what to write. Right now, it's just my brain on a blog, so maybe I can work on refining that a little more.

Time keeping:
Painting: 8.5 hours
Drawing: 3.5 hours
Taking movie stills: A stupid amount of time

thanks thanks thanks


  1. Hey em! Im glad I can be your first comment. I love how your doing this. its nice to hear your thoughts, plus these paintings look great. I also find painting more stressful than drawing. don't know why...i just do. I feel i should spend a considerable amount of time practicing hands as well. They hard to do accurately consistently. practice makes perfect right.
    Keep up the good work.

    Love ya buddy.

    John S.

  2. Emerson these are beautiful!!! Don't worry too much about process, just keep creating, these are really strong, emotive pieces.
